velvet4510 - Sam

Merry memory

cycas - nude hobbit scene

velvet4510: Never forget that it was the sight of the Barrow-wight reaching for Sam that made Frodo switch from “omg I’m so scared, maybe I should run” mode to “oh no you don’t, don’t you freaking dare, you’re reaching for the wrong hobbit, you’re going down you bit—“ mode and proceed to slice its hand off in one fell swoop.

is-it-mungojerry-or-rumpelteazer:This part always fascinated me, even since I first read this book. Merry seems to be reliving someone else’s life, probably the life of the person who was in the barrow to begin with, and the scene before it feels so much like a ritualistic sacrifice. So what was going on? Were the wights trying to make new versions of themselves? Were they transforming the hobbits into themselves? Would it make for more wights if they had succeeded?

cycas: Seasonal reminder that the LOTR movies cheated us of the Nude Hobbit Scene.