
Acklay are native to the planet Vendaxa, whose ultra-dense ecosystem lends itself to evolutionary specialization. There, acklay are among the top predators, able to stalk and eviscerate prey among the jungles and plains, tracking creatures by their electrical auras. An acklay is not built to build nests or forage or migrate when seasons change--an acklay only knows how to hunt, and survive the hunting.

Despite various governments' efforts to prevent the spread of acklay, the creatures are traded on the black market as gladiatorial challenges and targets for big game hunters. Inevitably, a few acklay escape or are left out in the wild, and the creatures either die--or they breed, survive and threaten anyone they encounter.

Akk Dog

Loyal guard dogs, faithful pets and savage killers: with the right training, akk dogs can fill any of these roles. Those brave enough to challenge the beasts must contend with a thick, scaly carapace that deflects the most powerful of blows and jaws strong enough to crush durasteel. Although native to Haruun Kal, akk dogs have been exported across the galaxy to serve a variety of masters. When not domesticated, akk dogs live in the wild, hunting in packs and attacking anyone foolish enough to enter their territory.

In addition to their incredible strength, akk dogs are rumored to be Force sensitive. In recent years a Jedi named Master Sulan attempted to connect with the creatures through Force-bonding exercises. The Jedi's endeavor was cut short when his Padawan's life was claimed by a particularly hungry akk dog pack leader.


There's a good reason for the expression "angry as an arkonok" on Onderon. Though they're the closest thing to a domesticated herd animal on the planet, their unpredictable rages put would-be tamers at risk of serious bodily harm on a daily basis and destroy all but the stoutest enclosures. Arkonok meat is prized as a delicacy on Onderon, but by all accounts this is more out of respect for the handlers than for its flavor (described as "just okay" and "sort of gritty" by famed culinarian Ton-Zek Aimar).

Asharl Panther

These fierce, attractively spotted cats are found on numerous worlds in the Outer Rim and Unknown Regions. The distinctive dorsal fronds of the asharl panther work as a set of extra sensory organs; thick nerve bundles running up the fronds allow the asharl panther to pick up the vibrations of threats approaching from behind. Along with the panthers' pelts, these fronds are often sought after by hunters.

The asharl panther has been adopted as a mascot of the Mandalorian Rodarch clan, whose members train the animals to fight alongside them and who paint their armor to match the panthers' pelts. The symbolism of a beast which is fearless and always aware of its surroundings is one the Rodarch clan has embraced wholeheartedly.


Domestication of the bantha has become vital to survival on Tatooine and other colonized worlds. Intelligent and reliable creatures, they can be trained as pack animals, passenger carriers and even war mounts. When needed, banthas also serve as a source of sustenance. Their meat and milk are edible, and a single bantha can provide weeks' worth of food. Bantha skin and fur can be made into leather and clothing, and their horns are often carved into tools or jewelry.

A lumbering Houk bounty hunter reluctantly gained the nickname "Bantha" Boskirn after performing several jobs on Tatooine. Boskirn's career was cut short when he angrily pulled his blaster on a smuggler who mocked him for the name; Boskirn was unfortunately too slow on the draw.

Barbed Ginx

Sharing a family tree with the more aggressive vrakes, barbed ginxes are relatively harmless, curious amphibians that frequent Makeb's marshes. Their name comes from the barbed "thumb" they use to peel off bark from trees or fallen logs while looking for insects to eat. Dep Aila, the first scientist to document the barbed ginx, encountered them when he left his speeder unattended and came back to find a small horde of ginx had peeled off the exterior casing, hoping to find food.

Baspoor Glider

The baspoor glider, sometimes called the "sky swimmer" for its fishlike appearance, is an omnivorous flying amphibian often found on temperate worlds. Its unique physiology allows it to "land" in water, where it can continue to propel itself with its powerful wings. It has very little mobility on solid surfaces, and has difficulty taking flight again should it find itself grounded.

The young of the baspoor glider are carried on its mother's back for the first few months of life and have a highly unusual diet. Children gnaw at the skin of the mother for nourishment while the mother focuses on her own needs--her trivial injuries healing quickly each day.


The enormous and majestic bormus once moved in herds across Balmorra–until the Imperial bombardment wiped out many of the slow-moving behemoths and the pollution from Balmorra’s destroyed factories poisoned the land and the bormus’ food supply. Despite their size, bormus are incredibly gentle beasts and formerly relied on their herds for protection, stampeding potential predators. Now that they are on the brink of extinction, lone bormus are easily picked off by smaller, faster predators.


Cthons are vicious humanoids that have plagued the underworld of Coruscant for centuries, though some have found their way or been smuggled offworld. Swift to mutate from generation to generation, nearly blind despite their unusual eye structure, cthons find their prey by listening for movement and feeling vibrations through Coruscant's substructures. Many of the lower level's more superstitious believe the cthons were originally Coruscanti criminals, banished from the upper levels and left to devolve. There is no scientific evidence for this belief.

While they usually scavenge from the huge piles of garbage that accumulate in Coruscant's lower levels, cthons are vicious hunters, capable of bringing down security patrols. Coruscant's reconstruction has been particularly beneficial to the cthon population, providing new lairs and breeding grounds, not to mention a surfeit of lost and easily preyed-upon refugees.


Guids are hoofed quadrupeds indigenous to Tython. Notable for their muscular forelegs and the distinctive tufts of hair on the shoulders, back and chin, they are typically encountered grazing alone or in small herds. Guids are not particularly aggressive, but if threatened, they are capable of causing injury or even death with their massive forelegs and powerful jaws. Attempts to domesticate guids have proved unsuccessful due to their stubborn and occasionally irritable nature.

Jedi Master Silvarte has taken to labeling Padawans with a particularly lumbering lightsaber stance as devotees of the "Form of the Guid." At least one of these Padawans--since proclaimed a full Jedi Knight--has taken this mild insult to heart, developing several lightsaber techniques inspired by the study and observation of these strange creatures. Master Silvarte considers this a mark of his success as a teacher.

Kath Hound

Native to Dantooine, kath hounds are sturdy, horned creatures with a ruff of fur. Although they can be aggressive if threatened or during mating season, they are normally docile, intelligent creatures who take well to training. Kath hounds are popular across the galaxy as guard dogs and pets (although the latter usually have their horns trimmed as a precaution).

Albino kath hounds are rare and highly prized by breeders. On Dantooine, seeing an albino kath hound is considered lucky; there are even stories of albino hounds protecting people lost in the hills. While these stories are unlikely to be more than legends, an albino kath hound is large and intimidating enough to frighten off Dantooine's worst predators, kinraths, which certainly would prey on lost travelers.

Kowakian Monkey-Lizard

When it comes to compatibility, few pets in the criminal underworld can outmatch a monkey-lizard from the planet Kowak. Their intelligence allows them to understand and execute complex commands, while their small size, nimble bodies and prehensile tails make it easy for them to maneuver through small spaces. The Kowakian monkey-lizard isn't exactly defenseless, either. When cornered, they are known to go for any would-be assailant's neck and eyes with their sharp claws and powerful beaks.

For those whose sense of humor tends toward the sadistic, it also doesn't hurt that Kowakian monkey-lizards are notoriously cruel. Their knack for recognizing weakness in others provides ample opportunity for acts of public humiliation, which they'll often carry out while chirping away with a mocking laughter that will haunt the victim until their dying days.


Lean, amphibious bipeds with a tendency to travel in packs, lurkers are carrion eaters most comfortable in tropical environments. Alone, they usually avoid confronting danger, crawling into tight spaces and observing potential threats from a distance. In numbers, they can strike with a rabid, frenzied intensity, happily downing prey for later consumption.

Biologists serving the Hutt Cartel believe that lurkers originated on a nameless jungle world on the edges of the Torch Nebula. They were first identified in the wider galaxy two hundred years ago, and have begun appearing on more and more worlds ever since. No convincing explanation for the lurkers' spread has been offered, leaving the creatures a disturbing mystery.

Manka Cat

Fierce feline hunters, manka cats are believed to have originated on Alderaan but can now be found on a number of different worlds due to their desirability as exotic pets or trained guardians. It is no surprise that these accomplished hunters have thrived in virtually every ecosystem into which they have been introduced. Sleek and powerful, they have the speed to run down smaller prey, while their massive protruding tusks and claws also allow them to tackle much larger targets. Often traveling in prides, even a lone manka cat can be dangerous, and extreme caution should be exercised when in their territory. Despite the risks, manka cats are sometimes hunted for sport and for their tusks and teeth, which are said to possess healing properties.


Carnivorous beasts that stalk the wilderness outside Voss-Ka, mawvorrs are generally considered opportunistic hunters. They prefer striking at whatever wounded predators or wandering humanoids they come across to carefully hunting and stalking their food, though in packs they exhibit increased aggression and have been known to attack even the mighty vorantikus.

Mawvorrs also typically attack Gormak on sight, though they refuse to eat the bodies afterwards. This odd behavior has led the Voss to perceive mawvorrs as guardians or protectors who abhor the Gormak. Because of this, the Voss take steps to maintain the mawvorr population around Voss-Ka.

This symbiotic relationship can be taken to extremes during times when the mawvorr food supply is low. There is a historical account of a Mystic's vision resulting in unarmed Voss wandering out into the wilderness and allowing themselves to be devoured by mawvorr packs.


Nerfs are large, shaggy pack animals raised for their meat, fur and hides, primarily characterized by their horns, surly disposition and horrid stench. Their tendency to spit on people has only cemented their reputation for being particularly unpleasant animals to handle; it's no surprise that nerf-herding is regarded as one of the less glamorous professions in the galaxy.

Although they are native to Alderaan, the nerfs' hardiness has allowed them to adapt to a variety of climates on other planets. Nerfs are common livestock on many Core and Inner Rim planets, though most ranchers beyond the Mid Rim prefer to breed less unruly animals.

Pantran Whitefang

The sleek and lethal whitefang cats are noteworthy for having bodies composed almost entirely of muscle. These felines do not store any fat, and consequently must constantly be on the hunt. They are the only creatures on Hoth capable of matching a tauntaun's running speed.

Certain enterprising crime lords have attempted to train captured whitefangs for use as guard animals. These experiments have routinely ended in disaster for trainers and beasts alike. On the other hand, underground death duel arenas have profited tremendously from the spectacle these untamed creatures can provide.


Reeks are horned, thick-skinned herbivores. They originally hail from the planet Ylesia but can be found all over the galaxy, particularly on Iridonia, Ithor and Tatooine. They are highly sought-after as pack animals, but are also commonly used as mounts.

Curiously, reeks' temperaments are largely dictated by their diets. While they normally subsist on plants, reeks will eat meat if it is offered to them; however, a carnivorous diet turns their skin dark red and makes them extremely hostile. This phenomenon inspired the phrase "mad as a red reek" and has led to the practice of using battle-maddened reeks in gladiatorial arenas.

Salky Hound

Many know the salky hound for its acute senses, unbreakable claws and exceptionally powerful bite; few know this vicious beast was actually designed in a laboratory. The Republic military contracted a bioengineering firm to breed a dangerous but intelligent creature, able to protect remote bases in the Outer Rim without the expense of droids or troops. Unfortunately, the scientists weren’t able to make their creation obedient. Salky hounds turned out to be ferocious and impossible to train for military action. After several accidental deaths, the Republic military canceled the contract, and salky hounds were banned from the Core Worlds. However, many breeding pairs were sold quietly on the black market, and the hounds have appeared on dozens of worlds since. Many mercenary and criminal organizations deploy salky hounds when they have no need to capture someone alive.


Eyeless, winged monstrosities that hunt in swarms, shyracks are cave-dwelling terrors indigenous to Korriban. Fiercely territorial, they attack intruders with aggression and frenzy.Typically cave-bound, every sixty-three years the shyracks of Korriban spill from their habitats every day for the entire summer. They fill the sky, blotting out the sun and moon, and rain their bluish droppings onto everything below. Before the Sith returned to reclaim Korriban, every sixty-third summer saw biologists from across the galaxy descend on the planet to observe the purpling of the red terrain.


Originating on the planet Utapau, where they were trained and used extensively as mounts, the varactyl has become a popular mode of non-mechanized transportation across the galaxy. As a result, the reptavian creatures have thrived on a great many worlds, both as mounts and in the wild.

The most famous varactyl-rider, Hrosus the Swift, was able to coax his mount to phenomenal speeds, once beating a swoop bike in a head-to-head race. This same speed makes varactyl formidable opponents; although they can be peaceful, loving creatures when among creatures they view as friendly, they are highly territorial and viciously protect their nests from aggressors.

Vine Cat

The heavily armored, sharp-toothed vine cat can pounce up to eight meters and has been known to tear a sleen apart in less than ten seconds. Its armored frill and hide protect it against larger predators such as the jurgoran, and its claws make it an expert climber when it needs to get away. The vine cat was introduced to Dromund Kaas by the early Sith from the dark forest world of Ziost and is responsible for wiping out three of Dromund Kaas’s native herbivorous species to date.


Indigenous to the planet Varl, vrblthers were often kept as pets by rich and powerful Hutts. When Varl was vaporized over ten thousand years ago, the species survived only because many of the fierce bipedal predators had accompanied their owners to Nar Shaddaa and Hutta.

The beasts proved resilient to the pollutants and toxins commonly found in their new environments, and their numbers grew rapidly. Packs of vrblthers are known to roam the lower levels of Nar Shaddaa, in constant search of their next meal.


Wingmaws are a biological oddity, an evolutionary branch of Balmorran life that developed on an isolated chain of islands; it was only six hundred years ago that wingmaws were accidentally carried to the mainland by unwary explorers. The creatures maintain insect-like social structures despite their reptilian appearance, frequently traveling in groups and favoring open spaces to dark caves. The wingmaw population on Balmorra has increased rapidly since the Imperial invasion, as the creatures’ primary predator–the Balmorran maweater, another transplant from the island chain–was completely wiped out during the bombardment. Unchecked, the wingmaw has become a threat to Imperial and resistance soldiers alike and wreaked havoc on the rest of the Balmorran ecosystem. They are bold carnivores and scavengers, happily swarming on a lone fighter or an unprepared convoy.


The flapping of thick, hairless wings is often the last sound heard by a victim of the deadly xuvvas. Their fangs bite with brutal precision, quickly disabling prey while filling the xuvvas' swollen stomachs. The creatures then take flight and hunt down their next meal using sensitive electroreceptors in their horn-like antenna. A single xuvva is capable of killing a trained hunter; an entire flock can reduce a mature Hutt to bones in minutes.

Unknown to most, xuvvas are distant relations to the decidedly less vicious mynocks. Like their parasitic cousins, xuvvas latch onto power sources and leech their electrical energy. Ten years ago, an entire xuvva flock sapped enough power from a subterranean conduit to cause a blackout over half of Jiguuna. In a fit of fury, Nem'ro the Hutt placed a bounty on the creatures that was quickly called off when his palace became littered with the trophies of dead xuvvas.


Yozusks were originally referred to as “rock wardens” by the Sith when they arrived on Dromund Kaas, because they nested in the cliffsides around the jungle and because of the hard, rocky protrusions on their backs. Though they are extremely territorial, they primarily feed on animals living beneath the ground, which they dig up with their long arms. They are nocturnal creatures and rely primarily on their sense of smell in the darkness. They are incredibly strong, and many young thrill-seekers cut their teeth fighting the yozusks before moving on to the larger, more powerful gundarks.

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